72 篇
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1181 0 2023-11-17 Bootstrap
bootstrap5,改变bootstrap多选框的颜色 默认复选框的样式是这样的 打开浏览器调试模式,发现它的样式 需要实现的样式是这样的 我们只需要重写一下bootstrap的样式就可以了 .shoplist_hd2 .form-check-input{ border-rad...
bootstrap5 flex布局实现一栏固定宽度
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1275 0 2022-07-13 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 flex布局实现一栏固定宽度 代码: <p class="d-flex mt-4"> <span class="footer_tel2 flex-shrink-0"> <img src="__HOME__/images/addr2.png" alt=""...
bootstrap5 字体大小fs-1到fs-6
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1474 0 2022-07-05 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 字体大小fs-1到fs-6 css代码 .fs-1 { font-size: calc(1.375rem + 1.5vw) !important; } .fs-2 { font-size: calc(1.325rem + 0.9vw) !important; } .fs-3 { ...
bootstrap5 阴影
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1023 0 2022-07-05 Bootstrap5
效果: html代码: <div class="shadow-none p-3 mb-5 bg-light rounded">No shadow</div> <div class="shadow-sm p-3 mb-5 bg-body rounded">Small ...
bootstrap5 列布局col不够12份,两端对齐
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1042 0 2022-07-05 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 列布局col不够12份,两端对齐 如图: 代码: <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-start"> <div class="col-4"> ...
bootstrap5 字体加粗样式.fw-bold .fw-bolder
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1693 0 2022-07-04 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 字体加粗样式.fw-bold  .fw-bolder .fw-light { font-weight: 300 !important; } .fw-lighter { font-weight: lighter !important; } .fw-normal { font-weigh...
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1421 0 2022-07-01 Bootstrap
bootstrap下载地址 https://getbootstrap.com/ 所有版本https://getbootstrap.com/docs/versions/ Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1     https://getbootstrap.com/docs...
bootstrap5 横线(水平线)hr的使用
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3683 0 2022-06-15 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 横线(水平线)hr的使用 css样式: hr { margin: 1rem 0; color: inherit; background-color: currentColor; border: 0; opacity: 0.25; } hr:not([size]) { heigh...
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1444 0 2022-06-14 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5行高lh-1,lh-sm,lh-base,lh-lg css代码 .lh-1 { line-height: 1 !important; } .lh-sm { line-height: 1.25 !important; } .lh-base { line-height: 1.5 !impor...
Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4
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1595 0 2022-03-14 jQuery
Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4 Bootstrap.js需要jQuery 1.9.1 版本或更高的版本(但是要低于版本4)。 我用得版本是v3.4.1,...
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.0.2/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
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2986 0 2021-12-20 Bootstrap5
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.0.2/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID 之前做好的网站,访问的时候都错位了,f12打开浏览器调试模式,提示如下错误: 是bootstrap cd...
bootstrap5 d-none隐藏与jquery show()冲突
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2455 0 2021-11-01 Bootstrap5
bootstrap5 d-none隐藏与jquery show()冲突 假设我创建了一个这样的 HTML 元素, <div id="my-div" class="d-none">Hello, TB5</div> 我如何从 jQuery/Javascript 显示和隐藏该 HTML 元素。 $(funct...
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1263 0 2021-10-27 ThinkPHP5.1
thinkphp5分页数量太多了,怎么修改少点? 改为 找到thinkphp/library/think/paginator/driver/Bootstrap.php 修改side这个变量可以改变显示的页码数量由3改为2
bootstrap5 实现col右对齐
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3299 0 2021-10-27 Bootstrap5
实现效果:搜索框右对齐 方式一:由于bootstrap5 列构建在网格的弹性盒子体系结构上,所以我们直接使用flex布局样式.justify-content-end,控制右对齐 <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-end...
bootsrap结合Font Awesome 运行中,到期,停止,暂停,退款
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1592 0 2021-10-16 Bootstrap5
代码: {php} $statusArr = [ '1'=>['0'=>'text-success','1'=>'fa-play'], '2'=>['0'=>'text-primary','1'=>'fa-check-cir...
引用bootstrap5 cdn不起作用
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2147 0 2021-10-05 Bootstrap5
引用bootstrap5 cdn不起作用,打开浏览器调试模式,提示 "Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.1.1/dist/css/boo...



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:shuijiao: :weiqu: :zhenbang: :leng:
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:yiwen: :yiwen: :yiwen: :yiwen:
评 EasySass: could not generate CSS file. See Output panel for details.
评 TP6模型事件-查询后onAfterRead不好用
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jQuery (67)
证件照 (1)
setInc (4)
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